Thursday, September 4, 2008

Successful Surgery!

The goofy juice kicked in...

Daddy was SOOO nervous, but you couldn't tell.

Giving brave girl smoochies...

Avery is 3 1/2 ft. tall. The nurse commented that she was tall for her age.

Anxiously awaiting the walk down the long hall.....

It is with grateful hearts that we can put today behind us. Little Avery Jewel pulled through her surgery today smoothly & without complications. The doctor reported that her adenoids were very enlarged and that her ears were all clogged up. It's no wonder that she hasn't heard much in her first four years! Everything she was hearing was muffled and unclear. I am so excited that she can now experience hearing to the fullest. After surgery Avery said, "Doctor fix-kit ear!" Troy and I had to laugh after they gave her the "goofy juice" in the pre-op room. She said some really funny things, and was even willing to let them wheel her away to the OR. Grammy Melva & Nana Beverly were there to help support Avery and her parents today, and we are so thankful for all the help at our house afterwards. So far, the only struggle has been Avery enduring the repertoire of meds that we'll need to take for three days. I am so proud of my little trooper....


Robin said...

So glad she is doing great! It doesn't seem to matter how minor the surgery, anytime you have to leave them and watch the Dr's take them away, it is scary!! Tell Avery, Alex says hi and take her meds so she gets better!!

Shelia Rapp said...

I am glad all went well. How is Avery doing! Email me sometime tell your mom hello for me. How are you and Troy doing after this experience. Hope all else is well in your family.